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First Nations Posts

New Capital Fund Being Released in the Summer Green Community
May 7, 2024

The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program aims to build more community buildings and improve existing ones – in particular in areas with populations experiencing higher needs – while also making the buildings more energy efficient, [...]
Government of Canada to create Recognition and Implementation of Rights
February 15, 2018

ReleaseFor immediate releaseGovernment of Canada to create Recognition and Implementation of Rights FrameworkFebruary 14, 2018  Ottawa, Ontario  Prime Minister’s Office For too long, Indigenous Peoples in Canada have had to prove their rights exist [...]
Ontario Taking Action on Indigenous Health Care Partnership Between Province
February 15, 2018
Ontario and Indigenous partners are working together to improve access to care and increase the involvement of Indigenous communities in developing and delivering their health services. This includes direct funding for communities to enhance access [...]
Ontario Breaking Ground in Indigenous Postsecondary Education Historic Legislation Supports
November 23, 2017
Historic Legislation Supports Indigenous Institutes and ReconciliationNovember 23, 2017 1:00 P.M.Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills DevelopmentOntario is taking a historic step in recognizing the unique role Indigenous Institutes have in the [...]
Ontario and Anishinabek Nation Working Together to Support Anishinabek Children,
November 15, 2017
Province and Anishinabek Nation Sign Relationship AgreementNovember 14, 2017 11:30 A.M.Ministry of Children and Youth ServicesOntario and the Anishinabek Nation signed an agreement today that will strengthen the relationship through an affirmation [...]
Ontario Providing More Opportunities for Seniors to Stay Healthy and
November 15, 2017
Applications Now Open for the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities FundNovember 15, 2017 12:36 P.M.Ministry of Tourism, Culture and SportOntario is now accepting applications for the 2018-19 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities [...]
ACCGP Program - June 7th Deadline
May 25, 2017
The Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program (ICCGP) funds the development of community capital projects that contribute to a sustainable social base and support economic participation in Indigenous communities, both on and off reserve. The Ministry [...]
Province Developing a New Strategy for a Safer Ontario
August 14, 2015
Ontario to Modernize the Delivery of Community SafetyOntario is developing a new strategy to build safer, stronger communities across the province.The nature of policing and the role of police officers have changed since the [...]
Province looks to feds for Ring money
July 29, 2015
http://www.thesudburystar.com/2015/07/28/province-looks-to-feds-for-ring-moneyOntario has formally asked the federal government to match the $1 billion it has committed to infrastructure for the Ring of Fire with $1 billion from its Building [...]
Matrimonial Real Property on Reserves
July 22, 2015
Matrimonial Real Property on Reserves"It's about women and men living on reserves getting the same rights and protections as every other Canadian."-the Honourable Kerry-Lynne Findlay, Minister of Revenue, National Revenue. SourceSource: Minister of [...]